The Space Between, this site specific installation was a result of an invitation made by the curator, Jeanne McCartin to cull a selection of images from my live entertainment stock photographs made at venues in the region, and 10 years as house photographer at the Casino Ballroom. My response to this request resulted in the creation of a space between the audience and the performers, representing what I, as the image maker, find myself between; on one side the named performance, and on the other, the performative response by the audience.
Elizabeth DeWolfe adds the Dress Codes exhibition to her syllabus for her Women's Studies course, inviting me to share my artistic practice and present an in-depth presentation about my project Mr.Mrs. She also included readings on dress to expand the conversation. Students and Dr. DeWolfe shown participating in paper doll making. At the opening, visitor view the video featuring a collage of images from behind the scenes highlighting all the people that I have met and photographed for this project. And video interviews of UNE students. BIDDEFORD, Maine -- The University of New England’s Biddeford Campus Ketchum Library Art Gallery is currently hosting an exhibition, titled Dress Codes , which will be on display through January 6, 2020. The exhibition is free and open to the public. DRESS CODES: an exhibition and collaboration with artist Nancy Grace Horton in the Ketchum Library Art Gallery October 1- January 6. Pleas...
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