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Showing posts from July, 2010

The great Duane Michals!

Leaving the 50s and heading to the 60s

Semester 2 Prints

Experiments with the digital darkroom 2

Before beginning any serious shooting, I have been doing a ton of reading, and writing of the first papers. I am also preparing for a class I will be teaching, Intro to Digital Photo, and I have been playing around with things I never use.

Expirements with the digital darkroom 1

Girls Rock- Showing until the end of July,2010 100 Market Street, Portsmouth, NH open most days

The Space Between , this site specific installation was a result of an invitation made by the curator, Jeanne McCartin to cull a selection of images from my live entertainment stock photographs made at venues in the region, and 10 years as house photographer at the Casino Ballroom. My response to this request resulted in the creation of a space between the audience and the performers, representing what I, as the image maker, find myself between; on one side the named performance, and on the other, the performative response by the audience. This show is a group show, in addition to photography, the exhibition includes sculpture and painting. 16x24 inches each This piece spans ten feet in width, and six feet in height

Limited License

"I recently read in the New Yorker an interesting distinction between "moaning" and "complaining." To moan is to verbally dwell on unsatisfactory conditions to people who can do nothing about them. To complain is to register one’s dissatisfaction to those who might help mitigate the problem. Please don't moan; it will only make things worse, and feel free to complain. Be well and work hard," -Tony Apesos

Show: Nacotta in Portsmouth, NH

Leah Giberson I really love this work, probably my attachment to nostaglia. This current body of work by Giberson falls somewhere between the worlds of photography, painting and collage. She begins her pieces with photographs of seemingly ordinary and mundane scenes, which she then paints directly upon to distill and reveal the visually poignant moments that exist all around us, but are usually overlooked. Despite all the suburban scenes and mid-century modern design in her work, she was actually raised by artists deep in the woods of NH and now lives and works on the top floor of a sunny triple-decker apartment in Boston.

Why aren't Boston meters like this one!!!???